Trademark Status Information as on May 19 2024

ARASAN ICE CREAM TM Status Information is as follows :-

ARASAN ICE CREAM is a Trademark filed by Arasan Bakery & Restaurant Company Pvt. Ltd.. So Arasan Bakery & Restaurant Company Pvt. Ltd. is the proprietor and owner of the Brand ARASAN ICE CREAM as per Trademark Registry's Records.

Trademark Applicant Arasan Bakery & Restaurant Company Pvt. Ltd. applied for the Trademark ARASAN ICE CREAM on 2004-08-23. The ARASAN ICE CREAM Trademark is applied as a (Device Logo/Wordmark) to be Registered under IP India Records.

As per government Records the Trademark ARASAN ICE CREAM has been applied under TM Class 30. As per the IP India Website The Goods and Services covered under Trademark Class 30 by Arasan Bakery & Restaurant Company Pvt. Ltd. the Owner, for ARASAN ICE CREAM Trademark are as follows :-

TM Class 30 - Ice cream and ice cream products.

The Registered Address of the Trademark Applicant Arasan Bakery & Restaurant Company Pvt. Ltd. is 2 - M, MADURAI ROAD, TIRUNELVELI JUNCTION - 627 001.. So it means that any sort of prosecution over ARASAN ICE CREAM Trademark has to be conveyed to 2 - M, MADURAI ROAD, TIRUNELVELI JUNCTION - 627 001. i.e. the Applicant's Address and if there is an authorised Attorney or an agent, then the duplicate copy of the same needs to be sent to the Concerned Authorised Attorney or agent.

ARASAN ICE CREAM Trademark's Current Status as on May 19 2024 is Registered.

ARASAN ICE CREAM Trademark Details

Trademark Applicant : Arasan Bakery & Restaurant Company Pvt. Ltd.
TM Class : 30
Application Date : 2004-08-23
TM Status : Registered
Goods and Services Description : Ice cream and ice cream products.
Applicant Address : 2 - M, MADURAI ROAD, TIRUNELVELI JUNCTION - 627 001.

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  • TM Applicant Details
  • TMA Form
  • TM Attorney Details
  • Trade-mark Application Number
  • Formality Check Documents
  • Examination Reports
  • Objection Details
  • Opposition Reports
  • Current TM Status
  • Registration Certificate
  • Prosecution Details
  • Jurisdiction Details of the Mark
Only Rs. 200 per Document

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Some important terms and facts to be understood while checking the information about ARASAN ICE CREAM Trademark are Stated below :-

  1. Trade-mark Applicant - The person who Applies for the Trademark ARASAN ICE CREAM is called a Trademark Applicant. Once the Applied Trademarks reaches the final level of Registration, then Trade-mark Applicants become the Registered Trade-mark Owner. Trade-mark Applicant in the above case is Arasan Bakery & Restaurant Company Pvt. Ltd..
  2. IP India - IP India is a government body that provides every information related to Intellectual Property and it-s a body that regulates the rules and functioning of various Intellectual Properties, Trademark being one of those IP Rights.
  3. Trademark Registry - Trademark Registry is a government Registry that comes under IP India and it takes care of Trademark Registration process from the very inception to the very end and it is an organisation that keeps a check on the various Trade-mark related Activities done on daily basis. Trade-mark Registry includes a wide variety of staff like examiners, registrars etc, that are continuously working towards providing approval and disapproval of Trademarks.
  4. Trademark Class - Trademark Classes or Trademark Classifications in simple terms mean that the IP registry has divided all types of businesses into certain sectors, in total there are 45 TM Classes that defines all sorts of business activities. First 34 Trademark Classes are Manufacturing based Classifications and the next 11 Classes are service based Trademark Classes. Each Classification has certain definition for the business activities included under it, like in the case of the ARASAN ICE CREAM Brand the Trademark Class it belongs to is TM Class 30 and the explanation for the same is Ice cream and ice cream products..
  5. TM Status - In simple terms trademark status can be considered as the Stages a Trade-mark passes during the process of Registration. Some of the most common stages during the process are as follows :-
    • New TM Application - We can call it the Inception of a New Trademark Application basically it is the initiation of Trade-mark Registration Process. Every mark has to be filed via New Application, even the ARASAN ICE CREAM mark filed for a New TM Application.
    • Send To Vienna Codification- This stage arise when there is a Device Logo Trademark to be filed and during this process the design of the logo is basically codified as per the standards laid down under Vienna Agreement. After New Application ARASAN ICE CREAM Trademark status would become this.
    • Formality Check Pass - If all the documents are submitted to the Government Department and the information provided is completely correct then the mark status changes from Send To Vienna Codification to FCP. At Company Vakil we ensure that wordmarks or logos like ARASAN ICE CREAM, filed via our portal always gets through the stage of Formality check Pass without any failures.
    • Examination Report Issued - This stage arise post FCP when the TM passes to the next level i.e. the mark has reached the Examiner and the examiner has released the report and the result is about to be published. The next level for ARASAN ICE CREAM TM would be to clear the Examiner's quality check and wait for the exam report to be issued on the same.
    • Objected - One of the major stages during the Trade-mark approval process is of Trade-mark Objection, i.e. it's the point at which a brand actually gets stuck due to certain structural, phonetic similarities or maybe due to non-distinctive nature of the mark. Company Vakil Experts are highly specialized in drafting Trademark Objection Replies, so feel free to reach us if you are stuck over the same. If ARASAN ICE CREAM Mark has some similarity to other marks in the same category or is non-distinctive in nature then the registrar has the full reason to Object the same, until further reply over the same.
    • Advertised before Acceptance - Once a Trade-mark passes the Registrar's Examination, then the same is advertised in the journal for a period of 4 months, during that time period the TM Status stays as Advertised before Acceptance. As the examiner clears of marks like ARASAN ICE CREAM, they automatically get promoted and published in the journal for 4 months.
    • Opposed - This arises only when a 3rd party files an opposition against the trademark filed by the applicant. A mark can be opposed only during the 4 months period of its advertisement in the journal. Company Vakil Experts can help you fight the same and protect you brand because if any 3rd Party feels ARASAN ICE CREAM Trade-mark is infringing upon their rights then they are fully eligible to Oppose the same on those grounds.
    • Accepted and Advertised - Once the 4 Month window ends or the opposition proceedings goes in applicant's favour, then on that moment the mark gets Accepted and Advertised, now this means that the registry has accepted the TM and it has been advertised in the journal as well. So after completion of 4 months at Advertised before Acceptance Status ARASAN ICE CREAM would move to Accepted and Advertised in the journal.
    • Registered - This is the final point of any Trade-mark Application filed, once all the above pointers are passed, then finally a mark reaches the Registration stage and the mark become eligible to use - "R" symbol next to it. This is the full and final Stage for marks like ARASAN ICE CREAM and once the applicant receives the Certificate, the Brand is Treated as an asset of the applicant i.e. Arasan Bakery & Restaurant Company Pvt. Ltd.
    • Refused - if a mark is questionable on certain rules under the law, then the IP Indian Registry has full right to refuse the TM from being processed and this status shows up next to the applied TM.
    • Removed - When a mark is removed from the official Register of TM Registry by the Registrar, then TM Status is shown as Removed next to the concerned mark.
    • Rectification filed - In certain cases some Trademarks get through all the stages of Trade-mark Registration, but if someone feels that the Registered mark has some issues or is infringing upon a certain brand, then the concerned person has the full right and option to file a Rectification against the same. Post the stage of Registration if someone wishes to challenge ARASAN ICE CREAM Trademark then they would have to file a Rectification for the same.
    • Abandoned - There are many reasons for abandonment some of the major prominent ones are like If a mark surpasses the 10 years time period of validity and it-s not renewed within the given period or if a certain reply has to be given at some stage of the tm process and the same is not provided within a particular time period then the Trade-mark can be abandoned by the registry. If after Registration ARASAN ICE CREAM Brand isn't renewed on completion of 10 years or its owner Arasan Bakery & Restaurant Company Pvt. Ltd. neglects any of the required compliance during the process of Registration then it can get abandoned.
    • Withdrawn - At time TM Owners themselves withdraw the applied TM due to some or other reason, at that moment WITHDRAWN Status is shown for the same. The Applicant Arasan Bakery & Restaurant Company Pvt. Ltd. has full right to withdraw ARASAN ICE CREAM from the Registry.

So, as explained above the Current TM Status of ARASAN ICE CREAM is Registered. Any further updates or changes in the Trademark Status of ARASAN ICE CREAM Brand i.e. under the ownership of Arasan Bakery & Restaurant Company Pvt. Ltd. would be displayed on our platform.